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Shanghai Waigaoqiao, China - STA Facility | WuXi STA

Shanghai Waigaoqiao, China

Please contact us for the full virtual tour.

Shanghai Waigaoqiao, China

API process development
Formulation development & manufacturing for small molecules
Discovery synthesis, preformulation & formulation development for oligonucleotide & peptide

Small molecule API process development: Process development and analytical support from preclinical all the way through commercial manufacturing.

Small molecule formulation development and manufacturing: Integrated drug product platform, from pre-formulation to commercial manufacturing, including solid-state development, developability and formulation research, formulation development, and Clinical Trial Material (CTM), and commercial manufacturing in various oral and injectable dosage forms.

Oligonucleotide and peptide discovery: Providing oligonucleotide and peptide discovery synthesis solutions for the preclinical candidates (PCC’s) with our enabling chemistry platform.

Oligonucleotide and peptide pre-formulation and formulation: Parenteral and oral drug pre-formulation and formulation development, lipid nanoparticle formulation development.

Site Virtual Tour

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How can we help?

Oligonucleotide or Peptide Projects?

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