Drug Substance

We provide process development and manufacturing services for drug substance and advanced intermediates to thousands of customers globally every year, across 8 sites in Asia and North America.

  • R&D: Our API R&D teams have more than 4,000 process chemists and analytical scientists to support your projects at every stage with speed and quality.
  • Analytical and Quality Control: Our highly experienced analytical and QC teams support your analytical needs at each of our manufacturing site.
  • Manufacturing: Our global network integrates the manufacturing of starting material, intermediate and drug substance to provide a robust and reliable supply chain. Our total reactor volume exceeds 3,100 m3 to ensure readily available capacity for any projects.

One Stop Drug Substance Services

Process R&D


High Potency

Enabling Technology Platform

flow chem image

Flow Chemistry



Preparative HPLC and SFC

Preparative HPLC & SFC

Crystallization & Particle Engineering

Crystallization &
Particle Engineering

Why WuXi STA?

API dev
Global Quality Standard
Enabling Tech
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2.5 weeks/step for API Process Development and Manufacturing toward IND filing.

One of the largest API process R&D organizations with 4,200+ process chemists & analytical scientists. 70%+ team members have Master or Ph.D. degrees.

Proven quality system across all sites inspected by major regulatory agencies including
US FDA, EMA, China NMPA, Japan PMDA, Korea MFDS, SwissMedic, etc.

9 sites specializing API Process R&D and Manufacturing around the world with over 3,000 mTotal Reactor Volume (TRV), and our capacity is still fast expanding.

A global ESG pioneer incorporating the green chemistry concept seamlessly into API process R&D and manufacturing with State-of-the-art facilities and advanced enabling technologies.

How can we help?

Oligonucleotide or Peptide Projects?

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